Classroom renovation at Mikuyu Senior School
Students from Frensham Heights School visited Mikuyu in July 2019 and helped to renovate two dilapidated classrooms using money raised as part of their trip planning.
The 20 young people (aged 14-18) worked alongside students from Mikuyu Senior School, which was a wonderful way to establish their partnership.
Together they whitewashed the interior and exterior walls. They designed and painted one with a theatre backdrop and another with a maths game to improve numeracy – and ball skills.
The Frensham Heights students also built shelves and cabinets, supervised by a local carpenter, having practised their woodworking skills as part of their preparation for the trip.
The whole community joined together to lay a brick path that connects the classrooms.
It was an incredible experience for the students from both schools and marked the start of an exciting time for the students in Mikuyu.
Our partnership with Mikuyu has generated direct support from the Malawi government and church officials, who have assigned the community their own priest and an additional teacher.
Consequently, student numbers have now increased by 25, up almost a third in less than a year – a fantastic achievement!